It was done for the animated series - I would pitch in on characters and locations whenever possible. Usually quick pencil sketches with some ball point pen and a bit of tone.
Posting this will force me to get on the ball about launching the Sam & Max blog. Let's call the launch date October 31st just to plant a stake in the ground.
Pen and Marker 8 1/2 X 11
I look forward to this second blog!
I second that :) really look forward to it!
Great news! We, your loyal and faithful fans, now have a reason to get up in the morning!
Great sketch, and great news!
I hope one of the first posts is an announcement that Freelance Police is going to be uncancelled!
Please say yes, Steve? Please say yes?
Ah, such a great episode...
One of my favorites actually.
Happy day after the blog launch date. :P
Mades me reamember one of the episodes of Norm,"the frind for life" he is just like the way I feel when i comment your blogs. Im a happy stalker fan of you Steve, and i fell happy and lucky of been able to folow you on two blogs xD.
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