A 1-year birthday invitation for two boys born the same day in the same hospital. Was tricky to paint big, smooth, identical baby heads. Things with warts and scales and fur are much less challenging. I like that the aft end of the dog issues forth sweet-smelling exhaust bubbles.
Are they hydrogen bubbles? If so that dog is a pretty advanced car. It’s like looking into the future except older and most likely not the semblance of a dog, but who knows. Maybe the first hydrogen powered car will be in the shape of a dog...with the safety features of a Pinto...
I found this one a little scary.
Maybe the childs will get traumatised their all life with this card instead of being happy to recieve it. :D
(only joking)
I would have to say the painting does kinda give off a creepy vibe with the identical smiling faces.
Fun!! I wish I had a happy dog car.
BTW, I ordered 50 bucks worth of Stuckeys, I blame you for that. What's your obsession with it?
Aww, I like that. The dog reminds me of a theme park ride.
Steve, thank you very much for create this blog. I am very happy, because i'm your fan. I love it all you do. Sorry for my poor english, and thanks again for let us see your amazing work :D
The kids kinda reminds me of Earthbound.
Great art, man. Great art.
Your paintings ROCK Steve.
He he he. I remember reading that you said a yellow wash is your safe zone. When the elements need to be pulled together, you just put a yellow wash over everything and BANG! Bob's yer buddy. I think I saw an example of a lemur or something in a yellow wash. Anyway, nice.
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