I don't do too many pin-up type gals. This one has been seen before. She is the better half of the pair of gangland villains from the un-produced game design
"Sam & Max Plunge Through Space." This image started as a super rough pencil sketch. I pulled it together with acrylic washes and was pretty happy that it retains a lot of the roughness that can sometimes get worked away too much in this kind of painting.
Acrylic 8X10
Sweet! I wonder what it would be like to walk with that many legs? Would she use all of them or switch it up when she gets tired? Nice piece man!
Every time I see concept art for this, I always think of "oh, what could have been!". But then again, we probably wouldn't have Telltale's season episodes if LucasArts continued with this game...!
I also wondered how this character's walking cycle would be...
By the way... We moved our Wiki to here:
http://www.samandmax.net/wiki/ ! ^_^
I love her expression, great work Steve :)
I remember seeing this on several website about "the new Sam & Max adventure game". Too bad that it was cancelled. I'm still waiting for it though :P
Delicious! My kinda gal! Don't tell my wife, though. She only has two legs.
It seems like she ought to have another leg. Not too many 7-limbed creatures around. :)
I love it!
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