Here's a big oil painting of the Edison Family done long ago for a reissued edition of Lucasfilm Games' Maniac Mansion. The back of the box has a photo of an eerie haunted house-type hallway. Originally I was commissioned to do a tiny painting to be hung in a constructed scale model hallway,... until someone realized it would cost more to create a scale hallway than it would to make a full-sized one. At that point the commission was revised to ask for a full size portrait. I thought of it as a Disney Haunted Mansion style piece and painted it in a weekend in oils with a few fairly large brushes.
Oil on Canvas 2X3 feet
I really like this. I feel you are equally as strong with paint as you are with other mediums.
Haven't thought about that game in a long time. Blast from the past.
Ah, what a lovely family! I really like this painting, though I know nothing about the game.
a weekend?!?
very impressive. thanks for sharing!
what a nostalgic piece. Thanks for sharing :D
So awesome. I think this might have been one of the first pieces of your art that I saw (when did the re-release come out? 1989?), tiny as it was on the back of the box.
Truly amazing!!
Maniac Mansion still is to this day my favorite LucasArts game, even if it is a bit simpler and more limited than later games^^
Amazing portrait!!
This is a great piece! Love the size of the JPG. Helps to appreciate the work.
I love this game, I never finished it but I tried very hard when I was five years old (yeah, i was very young when i played Dott)
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