Can't stop drawing the Phantom of the Opera. These were drawn last week during a hugely important meeting. I have stacks of them numbering in the hundreds. I might compile them in a book, use them to build a shelter or paper the walls of the cabin where I write manifestos. Prisma and Tombo pen Each 8 1/2 X 11
those are great i love them
Some of them remind me of the Mole Man in Sam & Max: Hit the Road :)
Love them! And I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one sketching at inappropriately times during work. ;-)
Fascinating to see so many wildly different interpretations of the same character (by the same artist).
Creative doodling in important meetings! What a concept! Love it! Do a book!
Wonderful drawings!!!!
Hey Steve, do you have anything to do with Cars 2?
ILDC -- No, I didn't do anything on Cars 2. I've been working on Brave. I did do a couple of voices in the Cars Toons last year.
hehe, this could be the next possible theme for new Sam and Max season: The Hunt for Phantasm =D
The Schumucker movie version of PotO is my favorite musical of all times.
These are great Steve!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words. It means a lot to me, since your work has always been a big inspiration for me.
This is a very interesting post. Thank you for posting a lot of interesting posts. And please visit my site!
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