At the risk of ratting myself out as some kind of kit-basher I occasionally decide to mutate one toy into another.
I used to keep the normal version of this monkey doll in my car to wave at kids in other vehicles. At one point I had steel marbles in his eyes which gave him kind of a friendly terminator effect.
Then suddenly one day I decided to cut his face off and replace it with a a Super Sculpey version which just happened to be the right color so I only needed to add a little acrylic wash to it to pull out the detail. I used plastic teddy bear eyes behind the mask and actually wired the eyes to light up if I someday choose to add a battery pack to his forearm.
Standing upright on a doll stand he glares hatefully at me from the corner of my studio.
all I can think to say is that that is awesome!
Awwww! What a cute li'l fellow! I really think light-up eyes would only make him more cuddly and endearing.
Wave THAT ONE at the kiddies from the car sometime and see what happens! ;o)
Amazing sculpt.
I't scares me that he wears the same cothles as Stewe from Family Guy. Great work as always!
That is one of the creepiest things ever, no offense.
Hey Steve, I'm a fan going back to your Lucas arts games, they were some of the first games I played.
I was wondering how you did those amazing digital paintings in Monkey island 1&2. What software did you use? What was the working process?
I've been trying to find somebody who might have original Monkey Island artwork/sketches. An old childhood friend is getting married and it would make a great gift.
If you have anything you're willing to sell or know sb. who might, please send me an e-mail.
www.trickstertoys.com (click on the little piranha that says "contact" on it)
This is the stuff of nightmares, very nice :)
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