As well as a few crudely scrawled Sam & Max strips, I used to do these holiday illustrations for the school paper back at what was then California College of Arts and Crafts (now CCA). Here is my Saint Patrick's day installment done in 1982.
Pen and Ink 11X14
Wow your Artwook was already this good *_*.
I'm a big fan of your work, I've wondered how to contact you (email, form of contact), is this possible ?
Thanks for having made my childhood this colorfull !
Best regards.
Ho Gosh I forgot, if its possible to contact you, you can send me an email on : mike.turner-9o3i5kh9@yopmail.com
Thanks ^^.
It's great drawing, Congratulations.
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have you EVER been bad at drawing/painting?? was there no learning period?? =)
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