Tuesday, December 07, 2010

"The Crow's Nest"

This painting is my contribution to Art Blocks for Ghana, a charity of The Picture Book Project Foundation with the goal of building a children's home in Ghana. Artists in the Animation and Illustration communities have donated artwork created on wooden blocks to be auctioned for the cause which you can read more about here. Also check out their blog. There are many amazing pieces, more than a few of which I'll be bidding on myself.

Acrylic on Wood 10X10



Unknown said...

Amazing, this should be in a musseum, as Indy would say.

Lois2037 said...

That's a beautiful painting! I think it's my Dream House.

Barry Crain said...

Steve, this is maybe my favorite piece in the Ghana collection...I really love Owen Demers' gorgeous little oil landscape, as well.

Food and Drugs said...

Nice work, apart from being for a good purpose.

Charles Santoso said...

beautiful, Steve!

Aleks said...

Really nice painting! Very simple composition, thus very effective. Also, nice Deckard's gun. What kinda acrylics are those? Those little liquid/squeeze-out Liquitex tubs?

Orah said...
